Grief Counseling Jacksonville FL

Maria Inoa

Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Jacksonville FL

Hi! I’m Maria Inoa. I’m a licensed clinical social worker in Jacksonville, Florida and have been helping women lead more fulfilling lives for 19 years.

I have extensive experience in attachment, trauma, anxiety, brain science, inner child healing, and more. I can help you heal old wounds, extinguish negative beliefs, develop healthy boundaries, and learn to love yourself more than you ever have.

Schedule a Session

To get started, reach out to schedule your first session or to set up your free 15-minute consultation call.

About Grief Counseling in Jacksonville

Throughout our lives, we will experience different periods of grief and loss. Losing a family member or loved one as well as life transitions including divorce, job loss, and foreclosure are all examples of loss. The grieving process can be difficult. Well-meaning family members and loved ones may give you advice as to how you should grieve and what your grief should like. Though they are trying to help, this advice can be more harmful than helpful. Seeking grief therapy from a grief counselor, bereavement counselor, or mental health professional can be extremely helpful.

Through the grief therapy process, you gain the opportunity to learn new coping skills, process your thoughts and feelings of sadness out loud in safe place

Major life changes are unavoidable, but there are many options for loss support including individual therapy, grief support groups, and even online therapy options.

Benefits of Grief Therapy

Seeking counseling services to help you process the intense emotions that come along with grief and loss can be extremely helpful. Grief therapy gives you a safe place to discuss your feelings freely in any way you'd like. You can even do it from the comfort of your home via online therapy. Grief therapy helps to ease the intensity of your emotions. It helps you to process through what has happened so that you can move forward as best as possible.

Finding the Right Grief Counselor in Jacksonville, FL

Qualifications to Look For

It is recommended that you seek a licensed mental health professional to help you process your grief and loss. Some therapist specialize in grief and have pursued additional training in this area.

Questions to Ask Potential Grief Therapists

When you speak to a therapist that you are interested in working with, you may want to ask them any or all of the following questions to figure out if they're the right therapist for you:

  • How many years of experience do they have as a therapist?

  • How much of their practice involves grief and loss?

  • Do they have experience with your specific area of grief and loss?

  • How would they describe their approach to grief therapy?

  • Do they use other approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

What to Expect During Grief Counseling Sessions

Duration and Frequency of Therapy

The frequency of grief therapy sessions may be weekly at first, but can move to every other week depending on your specific needs. The therapist and client will work together to decide on the best treatment approach for the client.

How to Get Started with Grief Therapy in Jacksonville, FL

To get started, fill out the form below. I’ll reach out to schedule a time to chat and make sure I’m the best fit for you and your concerns.

Our first session is 90 minutes. After that, regular virtual sessions are 60/90/120 minutes depending on what you prefer. Our first few sessions are very much about building rapport and trust and getting to know your current situation and history. We discuss what you want to get out of therapy; what your goals are. I start where you want to start. You do not have to share anything that you are not yet ready to share. We always go at a pace that is comfortable with you.

maria inoa emdr therapist jacksonville fl

Maria Inoa

Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Jacksonville FL

See if Grief Counseling Is Right for You

Reach out to schedule your your free 15-minute consultation call.